Stay tuned 2020 Event line up coming soon!
2020 is shaping up to be an exciting year! Looking at the event line up that we are working on, we are delighted with some of our new client and public workshops.
2020 is shaping up to be an exciting year! Looking at the event line up that we are working on, we are delighted with some of our new client and public workshops.
We work in a complex and changing commercial world. In this environment, the value of authentic leadership has never been more important.
Globally there is talk of a technology-revolution that threatens to change the shape of business as we know it. The role of leadership, is to cultivate environments that not only drive high performance but also to build resilience, increase agility and respond to rapid market disruption.
To front foot these changes, as leaders we need to understand and harness the value that humans bring.
Are you Ready to Lean In and Lift Up?
For leaders, this means gaining self-awareness and the ability to show-up with authenticity. The NPG Two-Day Leadership Intensive was developed to equip leaders to better respond in this time of increased pressure and commercial uncertainty.
Drawing on Neuroscience, Behavioural Economics and Positive Psychology, the NPG Two-Day program equips leaders (emerging and current) with brain-based tools to shift from a reactive to proactive state of self-leadership and by extension, leadership of others.
Increasing resilience and anti-fragility at an individual, team and organisational level
Bring out the best in your people during times of stress, ambiguity and change
Using practical tools, frameworks and approaches to embed a brain-based approach in your leadership practice
Growing self-awareness, mindset management and switching from default patterns to constructive problem solving
Setting the stage for success, how to increase individual empathy, confidence and empowerment
Increased awareness of leadership styles using a strengths-based approach
Gain a deeper understanding of complex human relationships, how to use workplace strategies to strengthen our personal relationships
Understanding fight or flight responses, our individual emotional reactivity and default patterned reactions
Leaders are equipped with brain-based tools to shape their leadership mindset, moving from a reactive to a proactive approach
Application and tools for stress management, harnessing creative friction and motivation (deeper insight into decision making and driving team performance)
Increased emotional competency and cultivating environments that move from survival to thriving
Applying a brain-based approach to relationship building, engagement and setting organisational cadence.
Applying tools and insight for team building (workgroups, high performance, rapid and virtual teams)
The neuroscience of cognitive complexity, which gives rise to a roadmap for cultural maturity.
Leveraging performance networks (centered around key deliverables, which determine the degree to which organizations can deliver on mission-critical work).
Applying insights from neuroscience to break through cultural resistance.
Maximizing innovation hotspots and resolving blockages and pain points.
Modelling and bringing out desired innovation behaviour.
Independent of the formal structure, an organisation’s performance networks underpin the delivery of all mission-critical tasks. However, these networks are rarely defined and often poorly optimised.
Leaders who recognise and understand how to chart and improve the effectiveness of the organisation’s performance networks can significantly improve specific performance areas.
This requires a good working knowledge not only of how networks form and operate but also of the six social cognitive needs that underpin high performance cultures. With extensive academic research that has established the correlation between the satisfaction of these needs and desired KPIs, and a working knowledge of the neuroscience that sits behind them, leaders have access to a powerful lever to drive strategic outcomes.
Swiss psychologist C.J. Jung said “Consciousness itself is the ability to recognise the difference between reactivity (System 1) and responsiveness (System 2)”. This is sometimes referred to as the Elephant (System 1) and the Rider (System 2). Understanding your Elephant and Rider, the Elephants that are sanctioned and reinforced by your culture, and the innovative Rider or mindsets that will the drive the change required, is critical for leaders to understand in a fast-paced and complex environment.
Day 1 looks at the brain’s limbic system (System 1) and how it drives people’s reactions, perceptions and behaviour – including how they resist change, their triggers for conflict, what motivates them, their preferred communication styles and how they make decisions. Leaders can use this insight to drive their personal credibility and presence and effectively engage with others.
Research by Keeley et al. (2013) has found that the more types of innovation a company uses the better it performs when benchmarked against the S&P 500 and that innovation comes in many different forms (business model, structure, product, channel etc.). A leader’s Innovation Mindset dictates the style of innovation they will prefer and the type of culture they foster to nurture this innovation.
Day 2 looks at the brain’s rational system (System 2) and introduces and explores the Strategic Innovation Mindsets framework which outlines and explains a person’s rational personality profile and then explores the value they add to an organization from a leadership and innovation perspective
Day 1: Wednesday 13 Nov 2019
Day 2: Thursday 14 Nov 2019
8.30am arrival for 9.00am start through to 5.00pm finish each day